Radio Novo Amanhecer

Radio Information
Location:Espirito Santo, São Paulo Brazil
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Type:Internet, FM
Description: Headquartered in the city of Brotas de Macaúbas, in the State of Bahia, Radio Novo Amanhecer FM has modern studios, music programming focused on what is best in the world of music and a talented and creative team of speakers that leads daily to the entire municipality and region through 104.9 Mhz and for everyone by, a lot of fun, service, information, news and coverage of regional events. Radio Novo Amanhecer FM is always innovating so our listeners has a 24 hour quality programming with the best audio signal available in the market. For all this, Radio Novo Amanhecer FM is the leader of the audience throughout the region. Radio New Dawn FM - 104.9 MHz.