Radio Horizonte 94.3 FM

Radio Information
Genres:Adult Contemporary,Classic Hits,World Music
Location:Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Argentina
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Frequency:94.3 FM
Type:Internet, FM
Description:|| Official Account of Radio Horizonte 94.3 || Since 1986, Horizon has quickly become one of the most listened and known radios in Argentina, thanks to the careful balance between the richness of their voices and the variety of their music. Today it is considered by many to be a true Worship Radio which, because of its history and original contents - Chronicles, Outstanding, Trasnoche - has managed to impose a Style that despite the years, continues to be imitated || Staff: Mario Mazzone, Eddie Sierra, Martin Wullich, Quique Matavos, Marcela Giorgi, Sergio Soldati, Mariel Di Lenarda, Carlos Clerici, Daniel Sarapinas, Koki Awamori, Adrián Gauna, Jorge Dudech, Miguel Matto. The toucan.